【课程简介】Course Introduction
新YCT是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第 一语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力,考试分为笔试和口试,两部分相互独立。
The New YCT is an international standardized Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of elementary and middle school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies, and is divided into a written test and an oral test, both of which are independent of each other.
【考试内容】Exam Content
All exams last about 21 minutes (including preparation time of 10 minutes)
I. 10 questions in total. One sentence is played for each question and the candidate listens and repeats it once.
II. 2 questions in total. Each question provides a picture and the candidate says a paragraph with the picture.
III. 2 questions in total. Two questions (with pinyin) are provided on the test paper and candidates answer the questions.
【课程信息】Course Information
Class schedule: 2-3 sessions per week/60 minutes/1 year
Total class time: 120 hours
【课程效果】Course Effectiveness
掌握400个左右常用词汇和相关语法知识,可以听懂并用汉语与汉语 为母语者进行简单的口头交流。
They will be able to understand and communicate verbally with native Chinese speakers.
【结业证书】Certificate of Completion
【上课现场】Class site
【学校简介】School Profile
了解中国, 汉语先行,源泉赢渤汉语致力于对外输出中国汉语传统文化,目前涵盖HSK、HSKK、YCT、BCT、新目标汉语口语,汉语口语速成,快乐汉语等常规类课程,更针对与学员需求全新推出定制类课程,涵盖各类小语种(俄语,法语等) !
We are committed to exporting Chinese traditional culture to foreign countries, currently covering HSK, HSKK, YCT, BCT, New Target Spoken Chinese, Chinese Spoken English, Happy Chinese and other regular courses, but also for the needs of students to launch a new customized courses, covering various small languages (Russian, French, etc.)!
【学校环境】School Environment
【学员风采】Students' style