【课程简介】Course Introduction
商务汉语考试是为测试第 一语言为非汉语者从事商务活动所应具有的汉语水平而设立的国家标准汉语考试,考查应试者在与商务有关的广泛的职业场合,日常生活,社会交往中的交际能力,考试分为听读和说写,相互独立。
The Business Chinese Test (BCT) is a national standardized Chinese test designed to test the Chinese proficiency of non-Chinese speakers in a wide range of business-related professional situations, daily life, and social interactions.
【BCT等级标准】BCT grade standards
Level 1:Not yet able to communicate in Chinese in business activities.
Level 2:Ability to communicate in Chinese in business activities.
Level 3:You can effective useChinesefor communicationin business activities.
Level 4:You can use Chinese skillfully to communicate in business activities.
Level 5:You can communicate freely and appropriately in Chinese in business activities.
【学习用途】Learning purposes
1. To provide criteria for enterprises to evaluate the ability of non-native Chinese speaking employees (candidates) to use Chinese in their daily work; the test results can be used as a reference basis for selection, hiring and promotion.
2. To provide reference for schools and training institutions in recruiting business-related students and in the educational and teaching process, such as class placement and credit awarding, for students' business Chinese language ability.
3. To provide reference for business Chinese learners' self-learning and self-evaluation of business Chinese ability.
【课程信息】Course Information
Class schedule: 2-3 sessions per week/60 minutes/3 months
Total class time: 36 hours
【课程效果】Course Effectiveness
面向商务汉语初学者,可以运用汉语完成日常交际和基本商务交际任 务的能力。
This course is designed for beginners in business Chinese, who can use Chinese to perform daily communication and basic business communication tasks.
【考试内容】Exam Content
All exams last about 70 minutes (including 5 minutes for candidates to fill in personal information)
一. Listening
1、Total 10 questions. Each question is listened to twice. Each question is a word or phrase, and a picture is provided on the test paper, and candidates judge right or wrong according to what they hear.
2. 10 questions in total. Each question is listened to twice. Each question is a sentence. 3 pictures are provided on the test paper, and the test taker selects the corresponding picture according to what he/she hears.
3、There are 10 questions. Each question is listened to twice. Each question is a dialogue between two people, and the third person asks a question based on the dialogue. 3 options are provided on the test paper, and the candidate selects the answer according to what he or she hears.
二. Reading
1、10 questions in total. For the first 5 questions, each question provides one or two sentences or two dialogues, with one space in the sentences, and the candidate has to fill in the blanks from the options provided; for the second 5 questions, the test paper provides a table or a short passage of application, with 5 spaces in the table or short passage, and the candidate has to fill in the blanks from the options provided.
2. 20 questions in total. The test paper provides a series of reading materials, such as pictures, tables, passages, chapters, etc. Each reading material carries one to three questions, and candidates have to choose the answers from three options.
三. Writing
There are 10 questions. Each question provides a sentence with a space and requires the candidate to write the correct Chinese character or word in the space according to the pinyin prompt.
【结业证书】Certificate of Completion
【上课现场】Class site
【学校简介】School Profile
了解中国, 汉语先行,源泉赢渤汉语致力于对外输出中国汉语传统文化,目前涵盖HSK、HSKK、YCT、BCT、新目标汉语口语,汉语口语速成,快乐汉语等常规类课程,更针对与学员需求全新推出定制类课程,涵盖各类小语种(俄语,法语等) !
We are committed to exporting Chinese traditional culture to foreign countries, currently covering HSK, HSKK, YCT, BCT, New Target Spoken Chinese, Chinese Spoken English, Happy Chinese and other regular courses, but also for the needs of students to launch a new customized courses, covering various small languages (Russian, French, etc.)!
【学校环境】School Environment
【学员风采】Students' style