高中毕业时,一共有9门5分AP,4.3GPA,并获得ISEF 一等奖。在高中期间,我在一名哥伦比亚大学历史学教授的指导下,发表了一篇关于古希腊哲学以及政变的论文。
Hello everyone, I am Anthony, and I teach AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. I have been studying in the United States since middle school and have consistently achieved excellent academic results.
Upon graduating from high school, I had earned 9 AP scores of 5, maintained a GPA of 4.3, and received a first-place award at the ISEF. During high school, under the guidance of a history professor from Columbia University, I published a paper on Ancient Greek philosophy and political coups.
Currently, I have four years of experience teaching AP Economics. I graduated with a perfect 4.0 GPA in Economics during my undergraduate studies.
高中毕业时,我拥有7+门AP课程的5分成绩,4.0完美绩点,四门满分大学课程(康奈尔与哈佛),并积累了三个月的实验室实习经验。值得一提的是,在高中期间,我在一名UNC Chapel Hill的博士指导下,以第一作者的身份发表了一篇关于阿尔茨海默症的学术论文。
Greetings. I am Mr. Shao, and I am an AP Biology instructor. I grew up in Shanghai and studied in Singapore for two years before moving to the United States in 7th grade. Throughout my academic journey in the U.S., from middle school to high school and university, I have consistently shown a deep interest in biology and achieved outstanding academic results.
Upon graduating from high school, I had completed over 7 AP courses, all with scores of 5, maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA, and earned perfect scores in four university courses at Cornell and Harvard, and accumulated three months of valuable laboratory internship experience. Notably, during high school, I published a first-author research paper on Alzheimer's disease under the mentorship of a Ph.D. from UNC Chapel Hill.
With three years of teaching experience, I am currently engaged in biological research at the Joslin Diabetes Center, a renowned affiliate of Harvard Medical School and the world's largest diabetes research center and clinic.
赢美学院专注于为学生提供集中的三个月备考课程。我们的教学强调快、准、狠,让学生在短期内为AP考试做好充分准备。整个课程由深入的章节精讲和真题实战穿插进行,让学生在不断吸收新知识的同时,快速巩固已学的知识点,并逐渐灵活运用这些知识,以便迅速应对各种题型。最终帮助每位学生自信地迎战AP考试。赢美学院也提供1对1 AP辅导。
退款机制: 五分以下,我们按规部分退还学费。