这个话题一直以来是大家望而生畏的,对于理科科目的理解确实是比较模糊,或者说是不能很好阐述的。对于目前正在高中学习的烤鸭们,这个话题虽然看起来比较熟悉,可是具体哪一门科目以及对于该科目的理解是甚少的,甚至用中文都很难去表述,再加上相关专业词汇的难度,更不用说用英文侃侃而谈了。而对于有工作的成人烤鸭们来说,该话题更是难上加难,毕竟已经离开高中生活很久,对于很多学科的知识已经淡忘,对于这个话题如果不做准备,连6分都是很难达到的。不过,这个话题近却备受考官的青睐,并且有所变化,从开始的Ascience course in high school演变成近的新题A physical experiment you like, 显而易见,从原来的比较发散型的话题,学生有多种选择,包括数学,化学,物理,甚至是计算机,转变成非常单一而且学术性非常强的话题,这要求学生本身对于物理有足够的认识,对于物理实验更要有所了解。在高中时我们曾经做过无数的实验,不过能够信手拈来描述的实验相信大家一定存在很大的困惑,我们不仅要挑出自己熟悉的,而且还要确保自己能够用英文描述出来,在这里笔者想给大家拿出一个实例进行分析和说明:
Images from a magnifyingglass
开场:正如我之前所说,对于大部分烤鸭们来说,物理这门学科难度高不明白,而且很无聊。在口语考试的第二部分cue card中,烤鸭们如果想拿到6分以上的分数,就必须要**自己表述的流利性,如果要**自己的流利性,一个impressive的开场是至关重要的。相信很多烤鸭们,尤其是女生,对于这样的课程更多的是恐惧的心理,我们大可开诚布公的开始:
Since from mymiddle school, physics classes have almost driven me crazy as it is such a hardcourse where the clever and talented teachers talk about clever things includingtheories of particles, quantum theory, relativity and string theory that arebeyond my imagination and out of my reach. All what I can pick up to describeis a relatively practical and simple but extremely impressive physicalexperiment that I did in the laboratory with my classmates in middle school.
展开:按照卡片上的问题要求,烤鸭们需要对于该物理实验进行具体说明,比如说这个实验如何进行,结果如何。听起来难度系数很高,因为在表述过程中我们毋庸置疑会涉及到物理方向的专有词汇,但是烤鸭们不能忘记的是在口语表达过程中,我们要充分灵活运用已有的词汇去说一些自己熟悉的东西,至于不了解的根本就没有必要去涉及,因为我们不可能在考试的那个瞬间挤出我们不知道的单词,分数必然也不会理想。在故事展开的过程中,为了增加感染力和影响考官,我们更多的是要做到Emotional Expressions:
It was the experiment on themagnifying glass which is an amazing gadget to children. I cannot remember whattheory the teacher wanted to reinforce exactly, but it was really exciting andfabulous. Before the experiment, every one of us was all distributed a matchhead and a magnifying glass. And we were required to get closer to window wherewe could get good sunlight. I was confused about what was going on at verybeginning. But when the teacher instructed us to get the match head in focus onthe same side of the lens of the magnifying glass and when all the light comingfrom one spot on one side of lens was bent, the match head was concentratedthrough a single point on the other side. As the sunlight was pretty hot, to mysurprise, the match head suddenly spontaneously combusted. The whole class wasfull of excitement and happiness.
结尾:在cue card的结尾部分,对于大部分话题,学生的收尾能力还是欠缺的,因为他们更多的是浮在表面去说明正面性,而这恰恰是很难去深挖的,尤其是对于电影,音乐,人物。朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生们说说自己从中的受益,这往往是更有感染力的,也更有利于烤鸭们的发挥。
This experiment told me how themagnifying glass worked. What is ridiculous, I even could not stop wondering ifwas left behind on an isolated island, all what I would need might be themagnifying glass. And the thing that got me hooked with the experiment is mycuriosity on physics which always reveals a mysterious world which we know verylittle.