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自改革开放以来,留学美国的学生人数节节攀高,就中国出国留学学生比例看来,美国是受欢迎的留学国家,一是美国世界名校较多,另外是由于美国独特的多元 化民族文化受到大家的广泛欢迎。北京留学出国英语培训学校环球美联英语专项出国考试培训,托福雅思考前培训班帮助更多的学生打成出国梦想。

The U.S. is rapidly becoming more diverse as the nation's minorities -- driven largely by a surge in the Hispanic and Asian populations -- move beyond traditional 'gateway' cities into smaller cities and towns.


A new study to be released Friday shows that of the roughly 15,000 places in the country -- defined as cities, towns, suburbs or rural areas that govern their own fiscal affairs -- some 82.6% were majority white in 2010, down from 93.4% in 1980. Places where whites made up at least 90% of the population fell even more sharply, to 36% in 2010 from 65.8% in 1980.

9月7日发布的一份新研究报告显示,在美国大约1.5万个地区(这里指财政自主的城市、城镇、市郊和乡村地区)中,白人人口所占比例由1980年的 93.4%降至2010年的82.6%;而白人占比90%以上的地区数量则出现了更明显的下滑,由1980年的65.8%大幅降至2010年的36%。

The paper is part of the US 2010 Project at Brown University, a series of demographic research by academics around the country. It is one of a number of new studies showing that while big cities traditionally have been the nation's melting pots, today it is smaller cities and suburbs that are on the front lines of changing demographics and culture.

该报告是布朗大学(Brown University)“美国2010项目”(US 2010 Project)的一部分。“美国2010项目”是美国学术界在全美范围内进行的一系列有关人口统计学的研究。这份报告显示,大城市一直以来都是美国各族 群融合的大熔炉,而如今小城市和郊区已成为改变人口结构和文化的前沿阵地。近来还有不少类似研究均得出了同样的结论。

'It sort of alerts everyone to the fact that diversity is becoming a part of daily life throughout the country, not just something that is confined to immigrant gateways or large cities,' said Barrett Lee, the US 2010 study's lead author and a sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University.

这份“美国2010项目”研究报告的主要作者、宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)社会学教授巴雷特?李(Barrett Lee)说,这在一定程度上提醒大家一个事实:多元化正成为人们生活中的一部分──它不再局限于移民城市和大城市,而已成为遍及全美的社会现象。

In fact, some metro areas -- such as El Centro, Calif., and El Paso, Texas -- are becoming less diverse because of rapid growth of the minority populations.

事实上,由于少数族裔人口的快速增长,诸如加利福尼亚州埃尔森特罗(El Centro)和得克萨斯州艾尔帕索(El Paso)这样的大都市地区反倒变得没以前那么多元化了。

The US 2010 report scores the diversity of the nation's metro areas by how evenly a place's population is spread across five groups: Non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics of any race, African-Americans, Asians and an 'other' category largely made up of Native Americans, Alaska Natives and people of two or more races.


A perfectly diverse place would have a population with exactly 20% of each category, and would score 100 on Mr. Lee's diversity scale. In 2010, the most diverse metropolitan area in the country, Vallejo, Calif. had a score of 89.3, with a population that was 41% white, 24% Hispanic, 15% Asian, 14% black, and 6% other.

按照李教授的评估标准,在一个完美的族群多元化地区,五个族群的人口占比应恰好均为20%──这样的地区将得到100分。2010年,多元化程度高的美 国都市地区是加州的瓦列霍(Vallejo),得到89.3分。该地区人口结构中,41%为白人,24%为拉美裔,15%为亚洲裔,14%为非洲裔,还有 6%为“其他”。

Big economic centers remain very diverse. The San Francisco, Washington, New York, Houston and Los Angeles metro areas were all among the nation's top 10 most diverse places. But while some sprawling metropolitan areas have diverse populations, in many cases their neighborhoods remain segregated.


'In the Southwest and West, diversity seems to be translating into lower levels of segregation, but some of the most diverse areas on the East Coast and Midwest remain very highly segregated at the neighborhood level,' said John Logan, a professor at Brown and director of the US 2010 project.

“美国2010项目”的主管、布朗大学教授约翰?洛根(John Logan)说,在美国西南部和西部地区,多元化似乎可以被解读为种族隔离程度较低,不过在美国东岸和中西部一些族群多元化程度高的地区,种族隔离现象在一些社区仍然十分明显。

The U.S. has long been growing more diverse and the Census Bureau projects whites will make up less than half of the nation's population in 2042. Last year, non-Hispanic whites accounted for less than half of newborn children for the first time in U.S. history.

美国长期以来一直在向族群多元化发展。美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)预计,至2042年,白人在美国人口中所占比例将不足一半。去年,非拉美裔白人新生儿在全部新生婴儿中所占比例出现了低于50%的情况,这在美国历史上尚属首次。

Today's demographic changes are being driven by the booming Hispanic and Asian populations. Hispanics' ranks jumped 42% between 2000 and 2010 to 50.5 million, or 1 in 6 Americans, and they now constitute the biggest minority group in the country. Blacks grew a modest 11% to 37.7 million. Hispanics are growing fast not just because women have more children on average, but also because the population is younger, with more women in their prime childbearing years.

当前人口统计数据上的变化主要源于拉美裔和亚洲裔人口的高速增长。2010年,拉美裔人口较2000年增长42%,达到5050万,即每六个美国人里,就 有一个是拉美裔。拉美裔目前是美国大的少数族群。同期,美国非洲裔人口温和增长11%,至3770万人。拉美裔人口的快速增长,一方面的原因是这一族群 的女子往往生有更多的孩子;另一方面,拉美裔人口更年轻,有更多适龄生育的女子。

The number of Asians in the U.S. quadrupled between 1980 and 2010 to about 18 million, or 6% of the total population. They have increased diversity in cities such as Bellevue, Wash., a high-tech hub near Seattle. Much of the Asian influx has occurred since the '90s, when technology companies such as Microsoft Corp., based in nearby Redmond, sought workers. Asians now account for about 30% of Bellevue's 128,000 people.

1980-2010年间,美国的亚洲裔人口增长了三倍,达到1800万,相当于美国总人口的6%。亚洲裔人口的到来进一步推动了华盛顿州贝尔维尤 (Bellevue)等城市的族群多元化。贝尔维尤是西雅图附近的一个高科技产业中心。亚洲裔人口的涌入在上世纪90年代相当可观,这主要归因于当时微软 (Microsoft Corp.)等科技公司的用工需求(微软总部位于附近的雷德蒙德(Redmond))。目前贝尔维尤的12.8万人口中,约有30%是亚洲裔。










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