英国剑桥大学教师证书(Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)。对具有较少或完全没有教学经验的人士来说,CELTA是其进入英语教学领域的首要资格认证。CELTA证书,属于TESOL证书体系的类别,不仅是适用教授成人英语的教师资格证书,也是英国继续教育教学证书及TESOL国际英语教师资格证书的组成部分。
每年,有超过1000人顺利完成CELTA课程的学习。目前,全球很多从事语言教学的机构均承认CELTA证书,该证书已被列入英国教学大纲标准(National Qualifications Framework)。
Course content(课程内容)
●Learners and teachers and the teaching and learning context
●Language analysis and awareness
●Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
●Planning and resources
●Developing teaching skills and professionalism
●Classroom observation
●Teaching practice
Candidates must (具备条件)
• be at least 20 years old at the start of the course
• have a standard of education which would allow entrance to higher education in their country
• have an awareness of language, and competence in English, both written and spoken, that would enable them to follow the course
• have the potential to develop into effective teachers
Enrolment procedure(报名程序)
●Applicants for the course must complete an application form and a pre interview task and send it to us.
●We will normally acknowledge your application within two working days of receiving it. Suitable candidates will then be interviewed.
●We will then set up an interview (see Interview Procedure, below) and acceptance (or otherwise) will normally be confirmed at interview.
●To secure a place once you have been accepted, you should pay the full fee at least six weeks before the course begins. Applicants applying less than six weeks before the course are required to pay the fees on acceptance (see also payment details).
●Please note that, wherever possible, correspondence with prospective course candidates is carried out by email.
Interview procedure(面试程序)
Applicants for the course must complete an application form and pre interview taskand send them to us. If you are a suitable applicant, an interview will be set up with you.
You will be interviewed by a teacher trainer from IH Barcelona. We will ask you to call us at a pre-arranged time, by telephone or by Skype.
Payment for the course(收费标准)
You should not make any payment for the course until you have been interviewed and accepted.
1. 中教1对1线下教学
2. **
3. 独创1+1教学模式学到即练到
4. 学分制管理
5. MW如工匠的手工作坊-手艺人般的精致课程
6. 科学效率学习,无需疲劳迎战
7. 时间成本低&失败的风险低
1. MW小而精致的企业文化,注定了TA不会接纳大批量的学生,这给MW机会和平台能够沉下心去做好每一个案子;
2. MW教师团队有着英国剑桥官方的合作支持,加之我们的团队一直专注雅思教学研究,所以我们的教学已经不再局限于刻板的流水线授课,而是能够针对每位学生提炼出具有极强针对性的教学方案。
3. 个性化的源头来源于学生本身。小机构,小且融洽的环境给了学生能够表达自己想法的机会,这样老师能够从学生的需求点出发,照顾得更加周到。课表以周为单位更新,学习计划以6周为计划,每周会根据学生的实际学习状态进行微调。