大家好!我叫Joy,是一个家庭主妇。每天买菜做饭,偶尔给儿子辅导一下家庭作业。每当儿子拿着英语书来找我背单词和课文时,我就会特别无助和尴尬,因为我听不懂,不能确定儿子背的课文是否对。于是在儿子和老公的大力支持下,我毅然的来到韦愽英语学校报名英语学习。从自来到韦愽学习英语后,感觉这里的学习氛围轻松愉快。不管是在校大学生还是上班族又或者是我这样的家庭妇女都能很好的融入其中,既轻松又自在。虽然我还只是个IB级别的学员,但是我相信在韦愽能把英语学好。因为我现在身边有着各种各样不同原因但有着相同目地的优秀学员聚集在这里。大家不管英语说的好不好,见面都会说上几句。Tutor也时时在用英语与我们交流。在这样一个英语氛围十足的地方学习,我相信每个人学习起来都会事半功倍,自心十足的。后感谢我的tutor Christine,是她给我制定了学习课程和目标,并监督我一歩一步地去完成。感谢我给上小班课和早读课的所有老师,谢谢你们的耐心加细心,不厌其烦的一遍一遍地教课。
From Joy’s tutor:
She is a really hard-working student and she makes full use of her free time to study English. I admire her for her insistance. She started from learning ABC when she first came to Web. Now she will try to talk with tutors and classmates using English. She has s clear goal--to travel abroad without any translators and to be a good example for her son. She is in the process of making progress. I believe that she can make her dream come true. I want to say that I am really proud of you, my dear Joy.