无论是东方明珠到风临国际,还是老师Zeffy到Anna都让我感觉到了英语学习的魅力和乐趣。新颖的教学方式,灵活的课程安排,让我在不断的学习过程中也深深的体会到了“英语不过是一种语言,它不是一个无法攻克的难关”。当然在VC的学习也是有紧张的环节的,每一次的TU课尚属轻松,可到了基本依靠口语交流的PL课,如果准备不充分,老师也会毫不留情的向你Say no。刚开始时课本预习、听力准备、写作任务都让我有些疲于应对,可是在一次次的课程结束后,突然发现,自己的发音死角在逐渐减少,英语对话再也不会搜肠刮肚的想单词了,英语写作好像也开始手到擒来,成就感与日倍增!
2010 is the year when I focus on my post graduate examination ,and as an essence of the exam and the future development ,English has been of the utmost importance .Despite having passed CET6,my oral communication and listening are still my problems .so I decide to have a training class .At that occasion ,I faced with two choices ,one is a large training organization ,and the other is VC .After comparing the characteristic and the environment of the two ,I tended to VC .And now ,I am very pleased for my right choice—VC international English ,this young English world ,but filled with energy and enthusiasm.
Whatever from the Oriental Pearl building to FengLin building, and from my teachers Zeffy to Anna , I absolutely found that learning English is a pleased and excited process. The new teaching method and the flexible curriculum ,all made me understand one word --“English is just a language ,not a unreachable task” .however ,there still have intense parts ,every TU Class seemed to be ok ,but the PL Class ,which almost depended on oral communication ,seemed to be a little difficult to me .If you didn’t prepare well ,the teacher would say no to you .At the beginning of the study ,preparations for the class ,listening and writing exercises ,nearly exhausted me .After having finished a few classes ,obviously, my problems of pronunciation were decreasing ,and I was getting more smooth when dealing with English conversation and composition . As the classes went on, the feeling of proud of myself was increasing.
Though it’s just 3 months ,the experience of studying English in VC has been a treasure in my studying career .Now ,the exam is getting closed ,and what I want to say here is “goodbye ,lovely BW guys ,thanks ,lovely teachers!”