徐栋(George)习盛英语学校 校长
长期的教学实践和对多种英语学习方法深入研究比较使其得出以语音学为突破口的英语学习法。 在复旦大学执教以及为“可口可乐”等国际著名企业培训期间,以其睿智的谈吐和多样的教学法深受学员好评。
从1999年开始从事英语口语培训,历任上海各大型培训企业的首席口语讲师。从2002年开始专业从事雅思口语课程的教学研究,丰富的培训经验加上渊博的各英语国家文化研究,使得学生满意率始终达92%以上。 标准地道的发音、亲切自然的授课风格加上深厚的学术底蕴,使得他的?口语课程广 受学员称赞。
Philip is British. He was born in Kent , in the suburbs of London and majored in English Literature and Language at St. Peter’s College, Oxford University . After his degree he began to travel in Asia . Philip has taught ESL English in Seoul , Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai . He has also run business seminars and conducted corporate training at many multinational companies including L’Oreal, Canon, Toshiba, Xilinx, as well as Chinese companies such as Baosteel and AutoNavi. He has written two novels and is currently writing and composing a third.
Chris Malone is from the U.S. and has been in Shanghai for 5 years, teaching business courses at a local college and conducting corporate training. Chris holds a BA (Econ.) and an MBA from UCLA. He was a career banker, having worked ?in seven countries. ?In addition, he is an experienced writer, having published a novel, written a collection of short stories, and edited a dozen books.