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新托福口语Task 6向来是令不善开口的中国学生一筹莫展的拦路虎。独立任务可以通过大量练习真题总结素材和语料,达到有话可说的目的。综合任务中的校园场景,使用的是学生相对熟悉的对话形式,可以通过一定技巧来提高回答水平。综合任务学术课程中的Task 4, 提供了一段阅读文本,起码可以给听力欠佳的同学一个提示,知道lecture的部分要讲述的是什么概念。而Task 6呢?真的是无法可想,毫无技巧可言吗?

朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家通过对多年教学经验的总结以及历年考场实际演练的体会,发现Task 6难则难矣,却并非一座不可攻破的堡垒。下文将就其难点及答题技巧一一做出解析。


Task 6的话题与Task 4有近似之处,以心理学、社会学、生物学及经济学内容为主,但是也会出现艺术学、历史学等话题。

参加托福考试的学生,以高中生和大学生为主力。对于这些类别的学科,有些比较熟悉,例如经济学中“钱”的概念(TPO 2 what is money?),但同样是经济学中的内容,广告商所采取的说服顾客购买的策略(TPO 3 in order to sell more products, advertisers will try to make usbelieve that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if it isnot true.)这一话题,则显得相对陌生。而实际上,Task 6中常常会出现广告营销策略、市场定位等相关的话题,如果学生对此有一定了解,必然会帮助学生对听力内容的理解,其他学科的内容也是如此。


第一,TPO 1-34中所有Task 6均要彻底熟悉和练习。

第二,关注每场考试的考题回顾以及近段时间的考试机经,将其中Task 6所考到的内容进行梳理。



【090118CN】farmer选择desirable feature的品种种植作物。举了例子说,wheat,原来很多成熟的时候都倒在地上,farmer选择那些不倒的继续种。peach原来的果实很小,farmer选择果实大的继续种。问题:举例说明什么是选择性种植。


Selective breeding (also called artificial selection) is the process bywhich humans breed other animals and plants for particular traits. Typically,strains that are selectively bred are domesticated, and the breeding isnormally done by a professional breeder. Bred animals are known as breeds,while bred plants are known as varieties, cultigens, or cultivars. Theoffspring of two purebreed animals but of different breeds is called acrossbreed, and crossbred plants are called hybrids.

A cultivar is a plant or grouping of plants selected for desirablecharacteristics that can be maintained by propagation.

A cultigen (from the Latin cultus - cultivated, and gens - kind) is a plantthat has been deliberately altered or selected by humans; it is the result ofartificial selection.

Modern wheat varieties have short stems. Short stems are important becausethe application of high levels of chemical fertilizers would otherwise causethe stems to grow too high, resulting in lodging (collapse of the stems). Stemheights are also even, which is important for modern harvesting techniques.


In this lecture, the professor tries to use two example explain the notionof selective breeding. This term refers to the process by which humans breedplants for particular traits that are called as desirable features.

One example of this is wheat. In the past, when wheat reached its maturityand was ready to be harvested, some stains would collapse on the ground,resulting in lodging. People deliberately chose those with short stems and notcollapsing as for next breeding to reduce the lodging rate.

The other example is peach. When it comes to choose which bunch of peachescould be used in next breeding process, people select those big ones over smallones and hope to get better yield.



Task 6的听力持续时间为90-120秒,总长为250-300词。也就是说,一秒钟要听到2-3个词。有时,还会出现口音不适应或是使用俚语不熟悉,愈发使得听懂Task 6像是不可能完成的任务。然而,与任何考试一样,了解测试意图,攻克此类学术课程话题也是有迹可循的。

首先,Task 6文章结构的设置,永远是典型的总分结构。

单元型总分结构:即General topic → sub topic (detailed description)。例如TPO 1的Task 6, 讲婴儿的计算能力:

Scientists have learned some interesting things about the intellectualabilities of babies. They say there is evidence that babies as young as fivemonth old can do basic arithmetic: that they can add.(首段头两句,非常清楚的表述了General topic是婴儿有计算能力)……the evidence is indirect because……so they devisedan experiment where……(紧接着引出了sub topic, 做实验,后面就详述了这个实验是什么,以及这个实验如何说明婴儿有计算能力)


双元总分结构:即General topic → sub topic 1 (definition1+example1) → sub topic 2 (definition2+example2)。例如TPO 3的Task 6, 讲说服消费者购买某产品的策略:

In advertising, various strategies are used to persuade people to buyproducts……The strategies they use can be subtle, friendly forms of persuasionthat are sometimes hard to recognize.(general topic, 看似友好地说服消费者购买的广告方式)

In a lot of ads, repetition is a key strategy.(sub topic 1, 重复)Research shows that repeated exposure to a message even somethingmeaningless or untrue is enough to make people accept it or see it in apositive light.(对“重复”下定义)You’ve all seen the car commercials on TV……this guyis driving around a he keeps stopping to pick up different people……and eachtime, the narrator says plenty of room for friends, plenty of room for family,plenty of room for everybody. The same message is repeated several times in thecourse of the commercial. Now the car……is not a very big car at all. But youget the sense that it is pretty spacious. ……what usually happens is that whenthe statement plenty of room is repeated often enough, people are actuallyconvinced that it is true.(这个冗长的例子无非就是说,汽车广告反复宣称空间大,而实际上空间则并不大,反复的次数多了,受众就觉得确实空间很大)

Another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a product, itturns out that we are more likely to accept an advertising claim made bysomebody famous.(sub topic 2, 明星代言)接着的两句话都是重复这么做的好处。You might have a car commercial that features a well know race car driver.Now it may not be a very fast car, it could even be an in expensive vehiclewith a low performance rating. But if a popular race car driver is showndriving it and saying I like my car’s fast. Then people will believe the car isimpressive for its speed.(还是汽车广告,请赛车手给经济车型做广告,大家会相信这车真的很快)

双元立体总分结构:即General topic → sub topic 1 (suptopic1A: definition1A+example1A /suptopic1B: definition1B+example1B) → sub topic 2 (definition2+example2)。例如TPO 2的Task 6, 讲钱的概念:

So let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, typically, people think ofcoins and paper bills as money. But that is using a somewhat narrow definitionof the term. A broad definition is this: money is anything thatpeople can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to makepurchases, money can have many different forms.(开篇明义,说明硬币和纸钞是钱的一种,但并不完全如此。可以用于购买的东西都可以称作钱,因此钱的形式有很多种。)

Certainly, coins and bills are one form of money.(sub topic1A, 硬币和纸钞是钱)People exchange goods and services for coins orpaper bills and they use this money these bills to obtain other goods andservices.(definition1A, 对于硬币和纸钞作为钱的定义)For example, you might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ridein his taxi. And he in turn gives the five dollars to a famer to buy somevegetables.(example 1A, 坐出租车付钱,出租车司机买蔬菜付钱)

But as I said, coins and bills are not the only form of money under thisbroad definition. Some societies make use of a barter system.(sub topic1B, 有些社会采用以物易物的机制)Basically, in a barter system, people exchangegoods and services directly for other goods and services.(definition1B, 解释什么是以物易物)The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride toa farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to payfor a service, by a broad definition the vegetables are used in a barter a as aform of money.(example 1B, 农民用蔬菜换取出租车服务)

Now as I mentioned there is also a second, a narrower definition of money,in the United States, only coins and bills are legal tender, meaning that bylaw, a seller must accept them as payment.(sub topic2, 狭义而言,硬币和纸钞是合法的付款方式)The taxi driver must accept coins and bills aspayment for a taxi ride, okay? But in the US, the taxi driver is not requiredto accept vegetables in exchange for a ride.(举例说明在美国,货币才是合法的付款方式,而不是蔬菜)So a narrower definition of money might be whateverlegal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.



General Topic
1)设问句。如what is ……? ……is……
2)转折词。But, however……
3)句型。What we want to be focus on today is…… Let’s talk…
Sub topic 1
紧跟着的就是对这个sub topic进行的定义
Sub topic 2
紧跟着的就是对这个sub topic进行的定义

以TPO 2为例,记笔记时,便可以记下这样的逻辑结构:

General Topic: what is money
Key words: sometimes untrue; subtle; friendly persuasion
Sub topic 1: repetitions
Definition: repeated message; meaningless or untrue; make people accept
Example: roomy car; plenty of room; actually small; people think roomy
Sub topic 2: celebrity
Definition: famous people; believe
Example: race car driver; not fast car; impressive speed



第一,语言的使用没有明显的语法错误。在对Task 6进行转述时,使用一般现在时即可,不需要特地转换成过去时,避免叙述过程中,尤其是对例子的阐述过程中出现的时态错乱的情况。



按照这样的要求,我们来看一看前文中所说到的TPO 2该如何进行总结。如前所述,对于这样一篇总分总结构的文章,其本质其实还是总分。如果按照原文架构来讲,先说coins和paper bills是money的一种,但广义上的理解是什么。然后再分别讲,硬币和纸钞作为钱;以物易物机制下的钱;后面又回头讲coins和paper bills的法律意义,显得有点杂乱。因此,可以在语言上适当梳理,将本文变为,广义而言的货币,狭义而言的货币。

【TPO 2范例答案】:

In this lecture, the professor talks aboutthe notion of money.

As he first explains, under a broaddefinition, coins and paper bills are not the only form of money because money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. For example,we pay coins and paper bills for a taxi ride. The taxi driver pays vegetablesusing that coins and bills. But in barter system, which refers to a systemwhere people trades goods and services for other goods and services, the sametaxi driver could use the taxi service as a payment for the vegetables he wantsfrom the farmer. And under this circumstance, vegetables are money.

Then the professor goes on to demonstratea narrower definition of money. That is coins and paper bills are theonly acceptable payment by law. For example, the taxi driver in previousscenario could only accept coins and bills as the legal payment, not thevegetables offered by the farmer.






以TPO 14为例,同时回顾一下前面所说到的所有技巧。


A lot of plant and animals live near thesurface of the ocean, and that means there is a lot of food near the surface,because there are a lot of plants and animals to eat. But if you go down to the deepest parts of the ocean, it’s dark andcold. And there is not a lot living down there. So, food is very scarce. So organisms that live down at these greatdepths have developed special adaptations to help them survive in thisenvironment where food is so hard to find. (General topic)

For example, many deep sea organisms have body features that enable them to eat preythat are larger than themselves. (Sub topic 1) A good example, um…… there is a species of eel that hasan enormous mouth and a large stomach that’s capable of expanding. And theseunusual features allow this eel to eat prey larger than itself. That’s a bigadvantage because eel eats something big. That’s a lot of food, a lot ofnutrition. So the eel can go for quite a while before it has to find foodagain.

Another helpful adaptation in some deep sea organisms isthe ability to generate light. And some organisms use that light to help themcapture food. (Sub topic 2) For example, there is a kind of fish, called the anglerfish. And on its head, this fish has a little structure that produces lightthat glows in the dark. This little structure, this little light is positionedclose to the fish’s mouth. Other fish are attracted to this light, they thinkit’s something small they can eat. So they swim straight toward it and thatbrings them close enough for the angler fish to capture them and eat them.

在第一遍听的时候,第一个例子中所说的eel(鳗鱼)这种动物,以及第二个例子中所说的angler fish(琵琶鱼)可能完全不明白,但这不影响我们按照前述的方法寻找结构抓关键词。

General topic: deep ocean, food, adaptation
Sub topic 1: larger (one creature A)
Sub topic 2: light (one fish B)


This lecture talks about how animals inthe deep sea adapt to find food.

这是大多数学生会说的句子,从语法上讲并无不妥,只是内容略显干瘪。因此开头可以这么说:In this biologylecture, the professor tries to explain how animals live in the deep ocean adaptto find food, because it’s very hard for them to do so. 并没有额外增加什么信息,却将这个简单的句子扩充了许多。

接下来的这个句子也是起到扩充内容的作用,There twoadaptation methods. To illustrate his points further, he gives two examples.

One method is some deep sea animals caneat things larger than themselves. For example, there is a kind of animal, 可是这种动物叫什么,没有背过eel这个单词怎么办?可以直接这么说,I don’t recall thename but says the professor, this animal has a large mouthand a large stomach, so it can eat things larger than itself, something reallybig. So it can go for a while without eating again.

另一个例子也是如此。Another method isto create light to attract other fishes. For example, there is one fish, Ithink it’s called angler尽量模仿发音 fish or some kind, it has a specialstructure on its head to make light. It helps this kind of fish to attractother fishes so it can eat them.












  • (60-80)基础信誉积累,可放心报读
  • (81-90)良好信誉积累,可持续信赖
  • (91-100)充分信誉积累,推荐报读


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