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Describe theexperience that you borrowed something from others.


(man) Hey, Kerri, what’s the matter?

(woman) Well, you know I’m in the choir, right? And we have a concertin an hour, just an hour from now?

(man) I know, I’m going, really looking forward to hearing you sing.What’s the trouble?

(woman) Well, we’re all supposed to wear white shirts and blackpants at the concert. You know, so we all look the same.

(man) Right?

(woman) Well, I wore my white shirt to dinner and I spilt spaghettisauce all over it.

(man) Oh, no!

(woman) Yeah, there’s a huge red stein on it. I can’t wear it forthe concert now. It’s the only white shirt I have and there’s no time to go tothe store to buy another one.

(man) Wow! What are you gonna do?

(woman) Well, I just called the choir director and he’s obviouslyunhappy about all this. But I told him about another shirt I have, it’s not exactlywhite, not white like the others, sort of off white, sort of cream-colored? Andhe says it’s OK for me to wear it, but…

(man) But it’s not exactly the same color as the others.

(woman) Right. I’ll feel kind of funny. Some people in the audiencewould probably be able to tell.

(man) Hmmm. Don’t any of the other choir members have an extra whiteshirt you could borrow?

(woman) No, I’ve already asked around. But my roommate has one.

(man) Great, use hers.

(woman) Well, the thing is, she’s out of town. I’ve tried callingher but haven’t been able to reach her. She probably wouldn’t mind, but,you know, I’ve never borrowed her stuff before and I really don’t like takingthings without asking.



Woman: Hey Steve, did you get that book on the Russian Revolution thatProfessor Harper wants us to read?

Man: No, none of the bookstores in the campus area had it in stock.They’ll get it in about two weeks.

Woman: Hm…so what are you going to do in the meantime? Remember, that we’regoing to be discussing the book starting next Tuesday.

Man: I was thinking of placing a rush order with a bookseller on theinternet, so I’d have the book in about a day or two.

Woman: Yeah, but rush order delivery is expensive. You could easilyspend twice as much money for the book that way.

Man: I know, but what choice do I have?

Woman: Well, since we only have to read a couple of chapters at atime, you’re welcome to share my copy for a few weeks. You know, until you canget yours at the bookstore.

Man: You mean…you would read the chapters assigned, give the book tome, I’d read those chapters, then give the book back to you to read the nextset of chapters, and so on……



Describe a problemwith an equipment you had.

(man) Hey, Jennifer. How are things going?

(woman) Well, I’m relieved this is the end of semester. Butthat’s actually part of my problem.

(man) What do you mean?

(woman) Can you believe this? My computer broke yesterday.So it’s at the shop being repaired. It won’t be ready until the end of nextweek which is when all my papers are due.

(man) Why not use the computer lab? They’ve got lots ofmachines there.

(woman) I know. But it gets so noisy there that I can’t keepmy mind on my work. I mean, when I’m at a computer, I’m not just typing.I’m thinking! So I need quiet to concentrate.

(man) Maybe you can try going in the morning or evening. Itmight be less noisy then.

(woman) Maybe. But this time of year, everybody’s working onpapers. It could be crowded even then.

(man) Hmm. What about calling back the computer repair shopto see if they can have your computer ready at the beginning of next weekinstead? That would still give you enough time to finish your papers by the endof the week.

(woman) Oh! I haven’t thought of that! The only problem is theshop is closed today and tomorrow for the long holiday weekend. So it’ll be afew days before I can talk to them.



Describe apiece of good news on TV or Internet.

(man) Hey, Madison, what’s wrong?

(woman) Oh, I’m just struggling about what to do? I won an awardfrom the Pacific Journalism Institute for an article I submitted, and…

(man) Doesn’t sound like anything’s wrong.

(woman) Well, it’s a huge honor to win and there’s an awardceremony they’ve invited me to attend which I am super excited about. But,and here’s what’s frustrating, I’ve got a philosophy exam that scheduled to endright when the ceremony begins.

(man) Uh oh! You’re saying you’ll just be finishing up taking the examright when the ceremony starts?

(woman) Exactly!

(man) But those ceremonies never start on time, they give longintroductions, you know, after a general speech or something before they everget to handing out awards. I’m sure they won’t be ready to hand out your awardright at the beginning. Just go when you’re done with the test. You won’t missanything important.

(woman) Maybe, but that’s a bit risky. I don’t want to miss beingthere when they announce my name.

(man) Well, have you talked to your professor about this?

(woman) Dr. Forester? No.

(man) Maybe she’ll let you take the test some other time……



Describe apaid job you took.

Starting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed intoThe Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester. During thelast week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals preparedby the university’s culinary arts students. The school feels that this willgive students who are studying cooking and food preparation valuable experiencethat will help them later, when they pursue careers. The university hasannounced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in orderto pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required.

(woman) Did you see that article?

(man) Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea. It’s really good forstudents in that program.

(woman) Don’t they cook in class anyway?

(man) Well, yeah, they do. But, my cousin was in the program a fewyears ago, and she said that it’s very different to cook for a lot of people inthat kind of atmosphere than to cook for classmates.

(woman) Why is that?

(man) Well, in class you can take your time, but, cooking for morepeople, there’s more pressure, I mean, you’re in a rush, people are waitingand it might be easy to make a mistake with all that stress.

(woman) Then I’ll think you are a bad chef, right?......


The business studies department at StateUniversity will now require all students enrolled in its program to completeone semester of work experience in a local corporation or small business. It isfelt that students will benefit from this work experience by developingleadership and organizational skills that would not normally be learned in aclassroom or campus setting. Furthermore, the relationships that students establish with thecompany that they work for may help them to secure permanent employment withthat company once they have completed the program and graduated.

这是新托福口语第三题的reading部分,我们可以使用划线的部分,参加的是学校要求的项目,学生可以有偿实习,学习一些经验,比如领导力、组织能力、沟通能力等等,在对应的听力部分还讲了学生在公司办公室做了一些工作(typing, photocopying, filing), 还可以讲讲这份工作的好处,自己的感想等内容。


Describe aplace for study or read.

Man: They’re making a mistake.

Woman: What do you mean?

Man: Look, they’re trying to do away with distractions so that wecan study better. But with this change, we won’t have anywhere in thelibrary to get together to work on group projects.

Woman: True. Group project work is common these days.

Man: So, instead of buying these new units, they should use themoney to build meeting rooms, and that would reduce any noise in the mainlibrary areas.

Woman: Yeah, that’s what we could really use. There’s just not as muchneed to work in isolation.

Man: Exactly. And the other thing is, what’s this about overcrowding?Well, sure we have more students enrolled in the university this year, but dowe really have a problem with overcrowding?

Woman: I don’t think so. I always get a whole table to myself.

Man: Right. I see empty tables there all the time. It’ll just be awaste of money to replace what we have. Since what we have now is sufficientfor the amount of students that use the library.

在这个例子中,我们可以看到,图书馆中的设施有cubicle(在口语的阅读部分有提到),还有multipersonal desks, 还有meeting room, 重点是meeting rooms可以被用来做小组讨论,而cubicle可以隔离开学生们,减少噪音,便于学生自己做作业。这些内容都是我们可以在雅思口语中使用的。此外,新托福中有很多关于图书馆的介绍,比如图书馆的书籍在什么位置,图书管理员的工作具体内容,学生可以在图书馆实习,借阅规定和罚款制度等等,这些都是可以在雅思口语中使用的。

在以上的各个例子中,我们可以看出,雅思口语和新托福口语有很多相通的部分,如果能相互借鉴,相互套用,备考就变得容易了许多。在平时的练习中,很多题目是雅思考生不太熟悉,或者自身没有亲身经历过的,因此要借鉴、发挥很多内容。对于雅思口语Part2, 我们要准备充足的思路,充足的句子,才能回答完整的两分钟,若是一些题目看起来比较熟悉,却没有像新托福口语中讲述的细节那样,就缺乏了很多具体描述的突破口,答题也会受到很多的限制。











  • (60-80)基础信誉积累,可放心报读
  • (81-90)良好信誉积累,可持续信赖
  • (91-100)充分信誉积累,推荐报读


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  • 1
  • 16349