按照托福OG的官方评分标准,5分的标准是“An essay iswell organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplifications and/or details; displays unity, progression and coherence”. 一篇高分的独立写作不但要用精彩的语句呈现出切题的内容,更要有很强的逻辑性,段落组织要有序并且过渡也要自然。
这就涉及到文章的组织和结构,那么如何能快速准确地写出符合逻辑又思路清晰的段落呢?朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家认为考生应该从两个角度去准备:1. 确定好总起全段的段首句;2. 选择逻辑感强的段落展开方式。
不同于中国考生习惯的“迂回婉转”的中式思维,美国逻辑讲究的是直接以及总分的结构;也正因如此,有不少中国考生不论采用多么精彩的语句表达,仍旧拿不到较高的逻辑得分。中国学生的主要缺点是“重点不突出”,是围绕着主题外围转而不是从主题切入展开讨论。按照美国语言学家卡普兰(Robert Kaplan)的图示,中国人写作用的是曲线式写法,而美国人写的议论文基本都是一般至特殊的思维。所以说,考生们首先要做的事就是将自己的中式逻辑转换成为托福考官所要求的美式逻辑:尽量使用直接、开门见山的写作方式清晰地表达出段落的中心思想。
那么放到具体的一篇托福作文中,这样的直线型逻辑的佳体现就是段落按照总分甚至是总分总的结构展开,而不是像中文习惯的先堆砌大量的解释而后进行概括总结。所以,要想写出逻辑感强的段落,首先要做的就是准确地定好全段的总起句。以Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Televisionhas helped improve standards of education. 为例,为了证明disagree也就是说TV hasnot helped to make people better educated, 我们应该在每段的第一句话位置摆出直接的理由。
1.Around the world it is movies, sit-com, soap operas and talk shows thatdominate TV screens.
2. Itseems to be true that television makes it difficult for viewers, especiallyyoung ones, to distinguish properly between fact and fiction.
3. Bymaking people passive and uncritical, television has had a negative effect oneducation.
4.Another characteristic of television is that it encourages a passive attitudein viewers instead of an active one.
通过对4句话的理解和分析,我们不难发现,由于观点是认为电视不利于教育学习,那么第3条说has had a negative effect on education就绝不应该出现在段落的首句,因为这句话是在开头段提出全文的总观点或是结尾段中对全文观点的总结。同样的,第1句话中介绍电视中大量充斥着的电影电视剧等内容也仅仅是对电视内容的介绍,而绝非是一个合适的段首句来证明电视的功效。相对的是,第2句以及第4句分别提出了两个不利因素来总起全段,后续内容可以围绕distinguish between fact and fiction以及passiveattitude的两个方面各自展开段落。
类似上题,任何一篇托福作文都应该如此开门见山的呈现给考官你此段想要说明的中心思想,因为只有这样才能更对考官胃口。比如说要证明live in city和live in countryside有各自的好处这样一个观点,主体两个段落的段首句分别应该是说There are many advantages if people choose to live in big cities. 以及Second, livingin countryside is also beneficial for people. 但是如果题目改变成证明相比农村,居住在城市好处更多,那么刚才两个段首句就绝不应该出现在文中对应的位置了。所以说,虽然两题是围绕同一个中心去写,但是因为具体观点的不同,段落的首句就应该要随时调整变化。只有如此,才能让读者更一目了然,有一个心理准备迎接后面的内容。
以Economically, public transportation should be paid by passengers这段首句展开为例,如果采用理论依据,那么会变成学生作文中的这个段落:Economically, public transportation should be paid by passengersbecause the cost of the transport is high. If the passengers use it for free,then the transportation department may fail to earn money even will lower thesalary of its staff to cut down the cost. This will finally affect the workingenthusiasm. On the contrary, if users pay the fee, they will receive better serviceor new buses. 从这个段落中我们不难发现,虽然该学生的确是围绕公交费用及乘客等关键词,而且第一句话也定位到经济的角度,但是因为一直采用理由解释,无意识下该学生已经将自己的段落写到了如果缩减成本甚至是影响司机的工作热情等事情,而这些与段落原本要针对的经济角度又不那么相关了。
但是,若考生采用的是事实论据或是具体例子的话,这个段落可以展开得很好,如下参考:Subway, for example, is a key form of public transportation. If ridersuse the subway without paying, there would be no way to earn revenue to payback the construction companies that built the subway line. In addition, duringoperation, money is required to maintain the cleanliness of the subway as wellas pay security personnel and other key staff such as subway conductors andmaintenance.