Tracy Wang
瑞秋教育业务总监,原广东外语外贸大学优秀青年教师、名校硕士,长期从事出国英语及成人英语教学培训及研究工作,摸索出一套独特的教学方法及教学理念。她是中国掀起新托福、SAT教学潮流的领军人物,经她手中培训出来的高分TOEFL和SAT学员数以千计,被业内人士冠以“北美考试皇后”的美称。同时,她也是优秀的美国留学咨询师,她辅导自己的学生留学申请DIY,送出一批批美加名校学生(哈佛大学,纽约大学,威谦&马丽学院, 罗切斯特大学,多伦多大学,皇后大学等)。此外,她凭借扎实的英语功底和独具一格的个人课堂教学魅力,为各大企业及学校提供各类英语培训,效果俱佳。
Henry Qiu
Vivian King
He is an Industrial Engineer from the United States of America. He has experience teaching many different subjects and English including IELTS and TOEFL, advanced oral English and commercial English and has been doing so since 1981. He has a unique style of building confidence and developing skill through that confidence. Only“Correct”Practice Makes Perfect. This is his proverb.
Nicholas S.Smith
He has plenty of teaching experience with IELTS spoken English, TOEFL spoken English, A-level courses like Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. In terms of Personality, Nick is super easy-going and helpful and students really enjoy his teaching and benefit a lot from his knowledge and life experiences. His target is to let students improve their English with real life experiences and enjoyment.
He is an experienced American teacher from Texas with three degrees, one computer & science bachelor, one psychology bachelor, and the other artificial intelligence (linguistics) master. He has years of classroom experience teaching Basic, Intermediate, and Business English, TOEFL Speech, and Spanish and Mathematics. Besides English, he is also good at German, Spanish and Chinese. In his life, he enjoys traveling, having been to over 20 countries. He also enjoys learning, reading books, and thinking about philosophy.
David Lee
Timo Lee
优秀的理科研究生,留学培训精英教师:精通AP数理化、A-Level、SAT II数理化单项和SAT I数学考试,熟悉考试技巧和考试重难点,辅导的学生在AP和SAT考试中取得满分的优异成绩。阳光帅气的他,将教会你独特的理科思维,助你留学考试一臂之力。
Cherry Yang
Ashley Huang